Northwest Institute

Working towards social and ecological sustainability in Northwest British Columbia since 1996

Table of LNG Projects in Northwest BC

*last updated July 2023

The following table provides details on proposed Liquefied Natural Gas projects in Northwest British Columbia. We will update this table as new information becomes available. Download a PDF of the table (112 KB)

Click here for a map of LNG projects in BC, created by the Wilderness Committee, January 2024.

Project Name LNG Status LNG Partners Location Capacity (bcf/day) In-Service Date Peak Power Requirements LNG Tankers Pipeline Name Pipeline Proponent(s) Pipeline Details Pipeline Status Gas Source
Douglas Channel LNG EA not required. Export license: approved by NEB Feb/2012 for 1.8 MTA (0.2 bcf/d). March 2016: Project “shelved” by AltaGas. AltaGas Ltd. | Idemitsu Kosan Co. | EDF Trading Ltd. | EXMAR NV Kitimat barge facility 0.09 - 0.11 ? (originally planned for 2015) TBA Small: 12-15; Large: 6-7 Pacific Northern Gas existing pipeline + PNG Looping Project (twinning of existing line). Pacific Northern Gas Existing - 10" diameter, 0.115 bcf/d, Summit Lake to Kitimat. Looping Project: 24" diameter, 0.6 bcf/d, 425 km Existing pipeline: EA not required. Looping Project: Pre-application under BC EA.
Kitimat LNG BC EA Certificate issued Jun/06, extended May/11. BCEAO states project "substantially started" Sept/15. Export license: approved by NEB Oct/11 for 10 MTA (1.3 bcf/d). Aug/19 expansion proposal to undergo BC EA. July/21 project withdrawn. Chevron/Woodside Petroleum Bish Cove, Kitimat 0.6 - 1.3 ? TBA Small: 80-172; Large: 40-86 Pacific Trails Pipeline Enbridge (purchased Jan 2022) 42” diameter, 462 km, 1.0 Bcf/d, Summit Lake to Kitimat via Morice R. BC EA Certificate issued June/2008. EAO extended Certificate June/2013. Dec. 2016: EAO determines Project has been substantially started - EA certificate will remain in effect for life of project. Chevron/ **Apache exited proposal July/2014**
Prince Rupert LNG EA: Pre-application May/2014. Application Information Requirements approved Aug/2014. Export license: approved by NEB Dec/2013 for 21 MTA (2.7 bcf/d). Apr/2015, Shell purchases project from BG Group. Mar/2017, Shell ends development of project. Shell/Spectra Energy (50/50) Ridley Island, Prince Rupert 1.8 - 2.7 ? Approximately 600 MW Small: 239-358; Large: 119-179 Westcoast Connector Gas Transmission Project Enbridge 36"- 48" diameter, 4.2 bcf/d, 870 km, Up to 2 pipelines. Since Prince Rupert LNG has been cancelled, now proposed for Gingolx. EA: approved by BC EA Nov/2014. Jan/2023: submits application for a second EA certificate extension. June/2023 Enbridge cancels EA extension request. If construction not started by Nov 2024, pipeline will require an entirely new EA.
LNG Canada Gas EA: Approved under joint BC EA/CEAA process June/2015. Export license: approved by NEB Feb/2013 for 24 MTA (3.1 bcf/d). July/16: FID delayed in-definitely. Oct 2/18: Final Investment Decision. Jan/2022 Under Construction. Shell/Petronas/PetroChina/Mitsubishi/Kogas Kitimat 1.5 - 3.1 2025 Approximately 1200 MW Small: 225 - 425; Large: 112 - 213 Coastal GasLink Pipeline Ltd. TC Energy 48" Diameter, 1.7 - 5.0 bcf/d, 650 km, Dawson Creek to Kitimat. Parallels most of PTP corridor except west of Burnie River. EA: BC EA Certificate issued Oct/2014. Nov/2023 Pipeline construction complete. Compressor stations still require permitting.
Pacific Northwest LNG EA: Approved by BC EA Nov/2014 Export license: approved by NEB Dec/2013 for 22 MTA (2.8 bcf/d); CEAA: Sept./16, approved; FID: May/17, to be made ‘when the time is right'. July/17 project cancelled. Pacific Northwest LNG Limited Partnership comprised of: Petronas/Japex/Petroleum Brunei/Indian Oil Corp/Sinopec (62/10/3/10/15) Lelu Island, Port Edward 1.5 - 2.3 ? Approximately 700 MW Small: 199 - 305; Large: 99 - 152 Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Project TC Energy (Mar/2024 - binding letter signed to sell pipeline to Nisga'a Nation and Western LNG) 48" diameter, 2-3.6 bcf/d, up to 900 km, Hudson's Hope to Lelu Island. Proceeding with South Central Alternative route. EA: approved by BC EA Nov/2014. Application for extension to EA certificate submitted Dec/2018. Pipeline route now planned to go to Gingolx for Ksi Lisims LNG. Progress' holdings in North Montney plus other
Triton LNG LP Proposed. Export license: approved by NEB May/2014 for 2.3 MTA (0.3 bcf/d). May/16 – Idemitsu stops work on project. AltaGas Ltd/Idemitsu Kosan Kitimat or Prince Rupert barge facility 0.3 ? TBA Small: 40; Large: 20 PNG Looping Project (twinning of existing line) Pacific Northern Gas 24" diameter, 0.6 Bcf/d, 525 km, Summit Lake to Kitimat. EA: Pre-application under BC EA. Public comment period on draft AIR closed Jan/2014. AIR approved Mar/2014, Application not yet submitted. PNG calls for expressions of interest for capacity on pipeline Oct/2018.
WCC LNG Ltd. EA: Pre-application under BC EA Jan/2015. Export license: approved by NEB Dec/2013 for 30 MTA (3.8 bcf/d). Project cancelled Dec/2018. Imperial Oil/Exxon Mobil Lot 444 north of City of Prince Rupert along Tuck Inlet Up to 3.8 2024 TBA Small: 504; Large: 252 TBA
Aurora LNG EA: Federal EA substituted for BC EA. Public comment period ended Mar/17. EA put on hold, Mar 22/17. EA resumed June/17.Export license approved by NEB May/2014 for 12 MTA (1.5 bcf/d). Project cancelled Sept/17. Nexen (CNOOC)/INPEX/JGC Corporation Digby Island 1.5 - 3.1 ? TBA Small: 225-425; Large: 112-213 TBA
Grassy Point LNG Gained rights to sign long-term tenure with Province of BC Jan/2014. Submitted Project Description to EAO in Aug/2014. Export License: approved by NEB Feb/2015. Mar/2018 project cancelled. Woodside Energy Holdings (Australia) Grassy Point and/or Tuck Inlet Up to 2.5 ? TBA TBA TBA
Kitsault Energy Export license: approved by NEB Jan/2016 for 20 MTA (2.6 bcf/d). Jan/2023 Company project update states they want to provide an energy corridor and export terminal for multiple fuels.Project status unknown (Jan 2022) TBA Kitsault 2.6 ? TBA Small: 337; Large: 169 Use the West Coast Connector Gas Line, build a connector pipeline off of it to supply Kitsault. Enbridge (West Coast Connector Gas Line). Connector pipeline TBD. WCGT pipeline environmental assessment certificate extended until Nov 2024. If construction is not started before Nov 2024 it will require an entirely new EA.
Stewart Energy LNG Export license granted by NEB Jan 2016 for 25 Tcf of gas over 25 years, in tanker cargoes to be loaded at a rate of up to 4.6 Bcf/d. Project status unknown (Jan 2022). Canada Stewart Energy Group Ltd. Stewart 0.64 initially ? Approx. 250 MW Small: 84; Large: 42 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
Cedar LNG Export license approval Nov/2015 for 2.9 - 5.8 MTA. Jan/22 EA Application submitted. Mar/2023: EA Certificate granted. June/2024: Steelhead LNG patent infringement case against Cedar LNG ongoing. June/2024 Final Investment Decision announced. Haisla First Nation & Pembina Energy Ltd. Barge/vessel based liquefaction appx. 0.38 - 0.78 2027 Small: 80 Large: 40 Coastal Gaslink + second Pembina connector line TC Energy & Pembina Fall 2024: Coastal Gaslink Pipeline Complete. Pembina connector line to Cedar LNG location not started.
Orca LNG Export license approved by NEB July/2015 for 10 MTA. Project status unknown (Jan 2022) Orca LNG Ltd. Prince Rupert area barge facility 1.34 TBA Small: 178 Large: 89
Ksi Lisims LNG Subject to BC/federal EA and Nisga’a EA. Apr/22: project description submitted. Oct/2023 EA Application submitted. Jan/2024: 20-year purchase agreement signed with Shell. June/2024 Steelhead LNG patent infringement case against Ksi Lisims ongoing. Nisga’a Nation, Rockies LNG, Western LNG LLC Wil Milit, northern tip of Pearse Island near Gingolx 12 million tonnes/year 2027-2028 Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Line TC Energy (Mar/2024 - binding letter signed to sell pipeline to Nisga'a Nation and Western LNG) 36”- 48” diameter, 870km, 4.2 Bcf/d. Cypress to Gingolx via Babine and Nass Valleys. In service date: 2029. EA: approved by BC EA Nov/2014. Apr/2019 EA exension granted until Nov 2024. May/2024 PRGT announces they will start construction on Nisga'a lands (section 5B)in Aug 2024, subject to closing the sale of the pipeline to Nisga'a Nation and Western LNG.
Port Edward LNG EA not required. May 2022: Final amendments to facilities permit approved by the BCOGC. Port Edward LNG Port Edward 150,000 tonnes/year 2023 Upgrade and extension to PNG’s existing pipeline (Western Transmission Gas Pipeline) Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. Summit Lake to Prince Rupert/Port Edward BCUC approved upgrades and extensions to PNG’s Western Transmission Gas Pipeline in November 2021. Currently under construction.